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Rocky TMC Postal Approved Boots
Rocky TMC Postal Approved Duty Chukka Boots
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Rocky TMC Postal Approved Boots
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Rocky TMC Postal Approved Duty Chukka Boots FQ0005005
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Usually ships within 1-3 business days
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7 Medium
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14 Medium
7 Wide
7.5 Wide
8 Wide
8.5 Wide
9 Wide
9.5 Wide
10 Wide
10.5 Wide
11 Wide
11.5 Wide
12 Wide
13 Wide
14 Wide
7 Extra Wide
7.5 Extra Wide
8 Extra Wide
8.5 Extra Wide
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10.5 Extra Wide
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Product Features
While you may have no control over the uniform that you wear daily for the post office, you do have some say about the footwear that you purchase (as long as it meets the requirements). This Rocky TMC Chukka Boot (style #0005005) is US Postal Approved, comfortable, and Berry Compliant (Made in the USA).
Got your attention? Keep on reading to find out why the Rocky TMC Chukka Boot is the right choice for you.
TMC is an abbreviation for Technology Made Comfortable. With a name like that in the title, you can be assured that these Rocky TMC chukka boots will provide superior comfort. When you are on your feet all day; you are past the point of simply wanting comfortable shoes, you require them.
Most individuals don't walk with their head facing down. When you are entrusted with so many packages and letters, it is imperative that you have complete trust in your footwear (like the #0005005). These Rocky TMC chukka boots are built to be slip-resistant and durable, they will allow you to get you through your day with ease, and help keep you on your feet.
Can you pinpoint on a map where the factories are that produce most of your clothing and footwear? This particular TMC boot is made in Rocky's own factory. So you know exactly where your boot is coming from, and that it has been constructed from high-quality materials.
The upper on this Rocky boot is constructed from full-grain leather. The leather is polishable, and water-resistant. So, no matter what the weather is like outside, your chukka boots will continue looking professional.
When you insert your foot into this Rocky TMC chukka boot, you will feel the collar that has been added for comfort. Another distinguishing feature is the padded leather tongue that will put a stop to stones, small sticks, or dirt getting inside your boots.
The #0005005 boots feature Rocky's exclusive, extra thick PU Rocky Airport footbed. The footbed is in place to cushion your steps and the Air Flow design will keep your feet cool as you walk along on those warm days.
The Rocky logo, text, graphics, and photo images are the property of Rocky Brands, Inc. and are used with permission. Copyright © 2017
Non-Metallic Stabilizer
Made in the USA, Berry Compliant
Full-Grain Water-Resistant Polishable Leather
Aegis Microbe Shield Applied to ROCKY Airport Footbed
Slip and Oil Resistant TMC Direct Attach TPU/PU outsole for Stability and Flexibility
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